Swap Party is the new app to swap, sell and buy clothes, shoes, bags and fashion items with fun and by saving money. Take a pic, choose the category of the item, the brand, the size and your ad is on line.
You can swap bags, shoes, shirts, skirts, suits, dresses, belts, and all the fashion accessories you want.
Make a new wardrobe with no money and save the planet !
You can organize your swap parties and join others parties where swapping is fun and convenient.
How it works
• Take a pic of your item, add its category, its size, its brand and its description and in 30 seconds your ad is online.
• Search for what you need or you like more and offer in exchange which of your items you use less
• Follow your favourite swappers, watch what they post before others and make your offers.
• Like others people items to create your dream wardrobe. You will help them to make more interesting offers to you.
• Create your swap party, show the items your will bring to it and invite your friends to do the same. Fun guaranteed !
Attention: using Swap Party app is addictive, not abuse it :-)
• people who are interested in your items
• people who start following you
• new comments to your items
• swap proposals
• invitations to swap parties
We also improved the app in some functionalities and we fixed some bugs.